Adrienne Abiodun is a Professional Genealogist and Researcher with Legacy Tree Genealogists located outside of Tampa, Florida. Combined, her personal and professional genealogical pursuits span nearly two decades, fourteen years of which have been in the exploration of genetic genealogy. She is a member of the Florida Genealogical Society, and a handful of lineage societies which include: Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War (DUVCW), Sons and Daughters of the United States Middle Passage (SDUSMP) which she serves on the board for and Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) where she is presently the National Vice Chair for the NSDAR DNA Network Committee and State Chairman for the Florida Society Children of the American Revolution. Her niche areas include African American genealogy, Deep South U.S., lineage societies and genetic genealogy. 

When Adrienne isn’t researching or giving presentations, she enjoys spending time with her two favorite DNA matches – her two children.